Feb 12, 2006

latest workbook: science form 4

My latest workbook co-written with another two authors is finally in the market. It is published under Marshall Cavendish (or better known as Federal Publications).

Practise 'n' Excel Science Form 4 is based on the latest KBSM syllabus in English language.

Pros: SPM-type questions, reasonable price, reliable publisher, good looking cover (different from the typical workbooks you normally see in the bookshops).

Cons: Quality of the paper used, the key points are too wordy (preferably add in more pictures or diagrams).

Feb 7, 2006

hoping for the best in DOG year

I should say that I've done my best to make sure this year is a better year for my family and I. Last year was quite a disaster although the Dragon (now I reveal my age) was supposed to have a great year.

I've tried to comply to the chinese tradition and pantang larang during this fifteen days of Chinese New Year (which I normally don't or seldom do in previous years). Here is the list of what I have done:

1. Eat a lof of mandarin oranges. I didn't eat it at all last year. Honestly, I hate fruits but I've decided that I'll learn to love it this year to improve my luck.

2. Had a long conversation and enjoy a slow meal during reunion dinner on Chinese New Year eve with family members. Usually we ate very fast but this year we had a 1-hour dinner which is a miracle for us.

3. Must have leftovers from reunion dinner on Chinese New Year eve. Last year we tried not to cook that much with the intention of not to waste food. And it turns out that last year wasn't a good year for the family.

4. Gamble! This year, my siblings and I enjoyed our mahjong game a lot. It was the first time we played mahjong in the house. Although I did not win, I believe mahjong game is a good game to bring ong (luck) to the family because it creates a fun and happy atmosphere to the family. We played cards as well. We didn't even play a single game last year.

5. Did not wash my hair until after the 3rd day.

6. Wear red.

7. Woke up early on the first day of Chinese New Year, pray and greet my parents. Then eat only vegetarian food for the whole day.

8. Also as soon as I woke up during the first day of Chinese New Year, I had a cup of Nescafe. I've heard that it was a good way to ensure that you will be staying alert throughout the year.

9. Avoided taking a nap on the first day of Chinese New Year.

10. Saying nice words on Chinese New Year and avoid negative thinking.

11. To celebrate Chap Goh Mei like the first day of Chinese New Year.

12. Eat lotsa chinese dumplings especially on the first day of Chinese New Year and on Chap Goh Mei. The dumplings symbolize wealth because their shapes resembles ancient chinese gold nuggets.

Overall, I did enjoy the food, the game and the fun with family members as well as friends. I should say that this is the first year I really feel the spirit of Chinese New Year. Perhaps it is because I didn't really bother about the chinese tradition in the previous years. This is also the first year I had a small winning from Sportstoto on Chinese New Year. Not bad, huh?!

Jan 26, 2006

gong xi fatt chai!

Since I'll balik kampung and won't be able to online for a week, I'm going to take this opportunity to wish all friends and bloggers a very Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year. Hope this coming Dog Year will bring luck and good fortune to all of us!

Jan 24, 2006

america's next top model

I have to confess that I'm a BIG fan of reality shows. But of all the shows, there are only three shows that I loved most: The Amazing Race, The Apprentice and America's Next Top Model (ANTM). Yes, American Idol is not even in my list of favourite reality show.The criteria to be my favourite reality show are pretty simple:
1. good format
2. excellent editing
3. entertaining cast
4. intelligent host
5. lotsa dramas

However, I'm only interested to talk about ANTM because season 4 is on Channel V (Astro channel 72) right now. While you can also find season 3 on 8TV, I'm not going to talk about it because Channel V has shown it MANY times.

Yesterday, it was only the 2nd episode of season 4 (shown every Monday at 8 pm and repeated throughout the week). Last week, Tyra Bank, the gorgeous host and executive producer of ANTM, introduced to us the 14 finalists who came from various backgrounds and dream of becoming the next top model.

Of all of these girls, I have to say that my favourite is Naima, a 20-year-old from Detroit who works as a coffee shop waitress. After watching all the previous seasons, I knew that she has got what it takes and will go very far in this competition (spoiler: she did!). From the 1st and 2nd episodes, you can sense that Tyra and the other flamboyant judges loved her for being edgy and unique.

The best part about episode 2 was when they were experiencing their first photo shoots. Some were good but most of them were just clueless. Also there was this makeover session. One of the girls, Michelle, was shaking like she was being possessed when she had to go through a painful session of bleaching her hair to blond.

No point for me to repeat what happened in the show because you have to watch it yourself or read all the episodes from ANTM website. So far, season 4 is one of the best. Only into the 2nd episode and there are already a lot of drama (black girls = drama) and hilarious scenes. The format is solid and the cast is just beautiful and amazing!
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