Jun 30, 2005

when was the last time you read local sports section?

So what is going on with our local sports scene? It has been extremely quiet ever since Datuk Azalina Othman takes over the top post in the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Everyday, foreign sports updates monopolize our sports section. We are fed with Youth World Cup and Confederation Cup results and pages of full reports on foreign teams and star footballers. Even the less popular Wimbledon Championship takes up a page or two although tennis is not Malaysians favourite sports.

We read about the retirement of the great former Chelsea star, Gianfranco Zola and yet we don't really bother when Wong Choon Hann lost to Ronald Susilo in the Singapore Open last night.

Can anyone tell me how far does our football scene changes because I don't have a clue. It is really a shame. Back in the 80s until the late 90s, I was a strong supporter of the Pahang Football Association. No doubt I was a big fan of the local sports scene. From Zainal Abidin Hassan, M. Kumaresan and Misbun Sidek to Jeffery Ong, you name them and I can tell you that I have great respect for them.

We had our gloriest moment in the previous decades. I hope we did not retire after the Commonwealth Games in 1998. Or did we?
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