Aug 1, 2005

Malaysian Idol no difference from Akademi Fantasia

First, I was disappointed with Akademi Fantasia and gave up watching the show. Then I thought there was still hope with Malaysian Idol. However after the result show last night, I really believe that Malaysian do not vote based on talent.

The voting system might work in countries with large population like the US whereby the chances of fanatic votes are low. I don't see this system works in our country. I'm not sure how many percentage of Malaysians are going to spend 65 sen per vote (which is darn expensive!). I don't even spend on a single vote for anybody and none of my friends did.

Since our judges are not powerful and influential enough to convince the viewers (who are the best and who should be out from the competition), I say we should allocate a certain percentage of votes to the judges and the rest to the voters.
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