Aug 17, 2006

Rockstar Supernova: Dilana rocks!

The Rockstar show is great not only because they have Tommy Lee, but because I'm looking forward to see Dilana perform every week! She is a hell of a rocker! I've never been so excited about the show.

Yesterday the rockers went unplugged again. Dilana belted out the song Cats In The Cradle a classic by Harry Chapin but I only knew the song which was sang by Ugly Kid Joe back in the 90s. Her charisma shines and her vocal simply rocks!

This morning I got up and watch the results show. Gilby (or was it Jason) said they have been sitting too long on their a**es and they decided to perform for the first time. And guess what? They have been in the studio with the rockers to sing a new Supernova song. This morning they chose Dilana to front the band and sang Leave The Lights On! Dilana proves to us that Supernova had made the right choice! There was no gimmick and Dilana is just Dilana.

What's amazing about Dilana is her professionalism. She can be crazier performing with the band but she remain humble. She is definitely a true friend with the other rockers. When Magni was voted the bottom 3, his rendition of Creep made Dilana wept. The lyrics did said it all, when Magni sang, "What the hell I'm doing here... I don't belong here...". Hell yeah, Magni doesn't belong to the bottom 3. It should be Storm who sucks with the song "I Will Survive" popularised by Gloria Gaynor. She survived this time but I would like to see her go after Patrice and Toby.

Another great week for Rockstar Supernova. Can't wait for next week.
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