Nov 2, 2007

Fly FM Fit It show - Part 2

I listened to Fly FM's Fit It today and apparently there's a part 2 to the drama yesterday.

After more than 20 calls or something, the DJs managed to get through to the 30-year-old man. This time the man was calmer and claimed that it was his 14-year-old nephew who had stayed with him for the past 2 weeks and has been using his internet and handphone. He even asked the DJs to meet up with his nephew to clear things up. And so they did.

Hence, this morning, Phat Fabes and Ben set up both the man and the mother again trying to explain the confusion yesterday.

Well, I am not sure to believe his claim that it is his nephew's job though but the DJs sure did to clear up such a heavy allegation like this over the air waves they have started.

There are many questions unanswered particularly from the daughter's side and we have not personally listen from the nephew's side too.

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