Jan 9, 2008

Eminem exceeds 200 lbs and rushed to hospital due to heart problem

Everyone is so concern about weight and yet the majority of us never determine enough when it comes to losing weight. And that includes me.

I always give the same excuses, that I don't have the time to cook and when it comes to eat outside, I can't get any healthy food. And going for an evening jog is almost impossible as I usually work late. The excuses can go on and on.

Many people are finding it hard to make that decision to take action to lose weight. Even celebrity like Eminem knows he is getting fat back in the year 2006. The rapper hasn't been serious about hitting the gym.

And today, he is in the news for having complications from pneumonia. It is said that his weight has exceeded 200 lbs and having serious heart condition and severe pneumonia.

He has been released from the hospital now and resting at home.

(btw, this is a photochopped picture of Eminem that I came about in the internet)
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