Sep 14, 2005

can't wait for Amazing Race 8!

I rate Amazing Race as the best reality tv show ever. I simply love the format of the show. The adventures and conflicts are always unpredictable which make this reality series so watchable. And now they are coming back with the 8th season: The Family Edition!

I've checked the schedule and it's going to be on AXN channel on the 28th September with a 2-hour premier show. This time there will be 10 teams comprised of 4 family members! I'm sure this is going to be exciting and fun. I can imagine the parents nagging their kids, wives yelling at their husbands or kids getting impatient because their parents are so slow.

Sep 13, 2005

8tv is gr8!

I must say that 8tv is doing a really great job in providing entertaining shows. I found myself watching more shows on 8tv despite the existence of popular programmes on astro channels. Below are some of the most watchable shows on 8tv everyday from Monday to Sunday:

Boss Swap is quite a good show. If you are a fan of The Apprentice or simply like reality shows on business and leadership, this is a recommended show for you. The only turn off is this is a British production.


Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is definitely one of my favourite reality shows. Last week, 8tv screened the British version of this highly popular show. Although I really miss the flamboyant Fab Five of the US version, I don't mind watching the latest one. The British Fab Five are hotter (outlook wise)!

Of course the most watchable show on Wed is Desperate Housewives. However I've missed the show for a couple of weeks already (even the repeats on Star World). Instead I find myself staying very loyal to Joey (although the scripts are predictable).

The Swan is my favourite show of all! This is the mother of all extreme make over shows. Nothing is more enjoyable than to watch ugly ducklings turning into beautiful swans. It's definitely painful to be beautiful! This show is even better than I Want A Famous Face shows on MTV channel. Highly recommended!

Malaysian Idol-lar! I'm crossing my fingers and pray that Nita will win in the final (I'm not going to vote though). I don't want to see Daniel in the top two. His rendition of Rasmus's In the Shadow haunts me till today. Please, Malaysians, please listen properly and vote wisely (leaving this responsibility to you guys who have the money to vote)!

The best shows are always shown on 8tv first. One Tree Hill is a very good example. This is definitely one of my favourite. The casts are so cun and each have their very unique characters. Good music too. The show that has the whole the package.

Sunday is a bit disappointing. The only show that I watch is Eve. This sitcom is really funny. Give it a try!

There are many other good shows on 8tv (especially the Korean dramas) but the above are the best. Local productions like Homegrown and Latte @8 (bring back this show) are not bad either. Not to mention they have great personalities like Marion and Adam. With all the latest and popular shows on 8tv, I hope this is not only temporary. I mean, all the latest shows are not cheap (and there are not many advertisement on 8tv).

Aug 22, 2005

the real picture of orientation programme in local university

I refer to the letter Respect Freshmen, too by Malaysian in Foreign Land (StarEducation, Aug 21).

I would like to clarify that when I stated that all orientation programmes are similar in my previous letter, I am positively aware that local universities do organise their formal orientation activities similarly to the experience Malaysian in Foreign Land had in his university.

I will share the kind of experience I had when I was studying in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). When I arrived in UKM, seniors were the ones that greeted all freshmen and parents. After registration at our hostel (college), we were equipped with a case full of necessary information we needed for the one-week programme. Then the seniors directed us to our respected rooms and ensured we were happy with our new living spaces.

During the first day of orientation, we were introduced to the seniors whom we addressed as facilitators. We went through proper ice-breaking activities which were all indoor activities. We formed groups of multi-racial members and each group was lead by a facilitator who shared with us about the life in university. We were constantly reminded by the facilitators to be grateful to our parents and not to take things for granted after all our hard work to enter the university.

We were asked to wake up at 5.30 a.m. every day. Before morning exercise, we were given speeches by facilitators who sounded tough and serious. The real challenge throughout the orientation programme was that we needed to be physically fit to jog in the morning and to go through tough activities in the evening. We also had to walk to the library, faculty or main hall to attend seminars or social meetings. We were told the places around the university that we can go and the transportation service available. These facilitators sacrificed their time and energy to guide us throughout the week. They had to be tough to jog along with us too. Every day we would sleep at 1 or 2 a.m. As for the facilitators, we knew some of them never sleep at all just to prepare for the orientation on the next day.

The problems occurred when some freshmen ignored to instructions or show no respect. They overslept, lack of cooperation among the freshmen, did not greet the seniors, forgot to wear their nametags, played truant, etc. Hence seniors will resolve to scolding or humiliating them in front of everyone. The worst punishment would be from facilitators who were in the Palapes (Reserve Officers Training Unit).

I have family member and friends who studied in UM and USM and they never complain about their orientation programmes. Instead, the UM friends and my brother who studied in USM said they were pampered by their seniors throughout their first year in university. Everything were nicely planned and prepared for them, from second-hand textbooks and notes to assisting them in the PTPTN loan applications.

In my opinion, whether it is orientation programme or even regular motivational activities, there are always some participants who are not interested to get involve and often end up labelling the activities as silly. Some of the activities carried out by the seniors might not be as creative as we want it to be. Perhaps when these freshmen become seniors they can reinforce creativity in the orientation programme. It is more proper to show their leadership skills and pro-activeness to change for the better rather than just complaining and painting the wrong pictures to their parents and public about local universities. Let us not forget that orientation programme is run by students themselves.

Aug 13, 2005

hugging issue and what we can learn from AF

Najib created a big fuss about the hugging trend on our local reality tv show which I believe is referring to Malaysian Idol (particularly last week when Azzam was voted out).

Now I begin to see the positive side of Akademi Fantasia whereby the contestants would salam or kiss each other hands instead of hugging like what we normally see on Malaysian Idol. AF is no doubt more localised in terms of values.

Perhaps Najib himself is a big fan of AF3 (and Mawi who is a religious model) and wants Malaysian Idol to take the show as a role model.
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