Dec 30, 2005

Happy New Year

Since I'll be away for New Year celebration, I'm going to take this opportunity to wish all bloggers a "Happy New Year". Hope 2006 will be a better year for all of us.

Dec 29, 2005

the ebay effect on me

On Monday there was this programme on CNBC called The Ebay Effect (if I'm not wrong). The show was not bad. The interviewer did not just talk about the positive things about ebay but also criticize them particularly on the way they handle fraud cases.

After that show, I started to beria-ia to sell again (I did sell and buy once). I tried to search around and see if there's anything that I can sell. Not many. Perhaps what I should do is to go out more and see if there's any potential products at flea markets or during warehouse sales.

Dec 27, 2005

jaclyn victor da bomb

It's no big deal when Jaclyn won Malaysian Idol last year.

However, I am more impressed when she won the golden prize in the recent 8th Asian New Talent in Shanghai. I did not know she won until I watched 8tv last week. She gave a flawless performance with her song, Gemilang (the other song was When I Fall in Love and it was rather boring). I believe this song plays an important part in her winning.

Now, I wonder when there will be another World Idol. I think it will be a waste for our country if she doesn't have a chance to showcase her talent in the international level. I really believe she will be able to create an impact (especially with the song, Gemilang).

surname Ma

If you speak Cantonese or Mandarin, you will definitely find a comment on Sunday Star's Education pullout rather hilarious. A reader commented on the accuracy of a History book on Let's Hear It: Books should give accurate facts

"The book seems to assume that people with the surname Ma were all Muslims and that the surname Ma derived from Muslim names such as Muhammad."

If you are a Chinese you know what it means. If we do not want Malays know that we are talking about them, we refer them as "sing Ma" (which the word sing means surname) instead of calling them "Malay yan" (Malay people). Those with surname Ma might not be necessarily Muslims in China but in Malaysia, "sing Ma" are definitely Muslims.

If you still do not understand, please don't misunderstand. This is not a joke on the Malays or their religion.
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