Mar 12, 2007

want to be a freelance Science & Maths writer?

Anyone interested to start a freelance job in writing Science and Maths workbooks? If you are:
  • looking for a writing job, working comfortably from your home and with attractive pay,
  • an organized person who is able to meet reasonable deadline,
  • in the educational industry (teacher, tutor, editor, writer, etc),
  • well versed with the National syllabus particularly the Science and Maths subjects,
  • able to present your manuscript neatly using the Microsoft Word;
  • creative and original,
  • doesn't mind working closely with the editors and accept their criticism,

then probably you should give it a shot. It is okay if you have not published any books before as training will be provided by the editors at Cerdik Publications. For your information, Cerdik is one of the strong players in the competitive educational publishing business. They are the sole publisher who has the rights and permission to publish past years examination papers.

For more information, you can send an email to me at or call +603 5637 9046 or +603 5637 9044 and look for Lai Yeen (Science and Maths editor @ Cerdik Publications).

flickr slideshow html script

As per Sam' request, I'm sharing the links to the sites where you can generate Flickr slide show as you can see in my previous post.

First of all, you need to have an account with Flickr to do this. After uploading all your files, remember to tag your photos. For example, in this slide show of mine, I tagged all the photos as "booksale" and I grouped them into a set. (As long as you have the tags, it's okay if you don't group and organize them).

Then go to this website or this to generate your flickr slide show.

1. User NSID - Go to idgettr to get your user NSID by keying in your Flickr username. For example my user NSID is 78324041@N00.

2. With that user NSID, your set ID is the number on your user NSID. For example, mine is 78324041.

3. Lastly, key in the tags of the photos you want to show in your slide show. For example, mine is booksale. I have tagged all the book photos with the same tag.

4. Click 'generate' or submit' and there you go! Copy and paste the HTML code in your blog.

I think just like youtube, you will not be able to shrink the size of the frame. Any problem, please leave a comment here.

Let's share your photos with us in your blog!

second hand books for sale this week

These are the books currently for sales on ebay. If you are interested, place your bid there by clicking on the book list at the bottom of this post. If you do not have an ebay account, you can email to me and I'll reserve the book for you if I couldn't sell it in 5 days time. Delivery is free of charge. You can check out the retail price of these books at MPH or Popular websites. For any enquiry, you can contact me via
  1. The Luck Factor by Richard Wiseman - RM25
  2. Ziglar On Selling by Zig Ziglar- RM18
  3. Short Short Stories by Dave Eggers- RM7
  4. The State of Poetry by Roger McGough- RM7
  5. Succeeding at Interviews In A Week- RM12
  6. Tackling Interview Questions In A Week- RM12
  7. CVs In A Week - RM12
  8. Total Quality Management In A Week- RM12
  9. The War of Art by Steven Pressfield- RM30
  10. The Quick & Easy Way to Effective Speaking- RM15
  11. How To Stop Worrying and Start Living- RM15
  12. Self-Motivation for the Self-Employed- RM10
  13. The 21 Indispensable Qualities of A Leader- RM13
  14. How To Talk To Anyone - Leil Lowndes- RM25
  15. Book of Love from the Ancient Mediterranean - RM7
  16. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - RM13
  17. Awaken the Giant Within - Anthony Robbins - RM25
  18. Bringing Out the Best in Others - RM16
  19. People Like Us - Sexual Minorities in S'pore - RM13
  20. Getting Rich Your Own Way - Brian Tracy - RM28
  21. The Psychology of Selling - Brian Tracy - RM15
  22. The 48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene - RM20
  23. Master Your Mind Design Your Destiny - RM20
  24. The One Minute Sales Person - Spencer Johnson - RM8
  25. Idiot's Guide to Intermediate Spanish - RM18
  26. How to Write Articles for Newspapers & Mags - RM15
  27. Hook, Spin, Buzz - RM8
  28. Dogbert's Top Secret Management Handbook - RM13

Mar 11, 2007

museum at Stadhuys, Malacca

With all the criticisms about Visit Malaysia Year (VMY) 2007, I somehow feel that it isn't quite true especially when you are in Malacca. I was there yesterday and I can feel the VMY atmosphere there.

Since this week is school holiday, parents should take the opportunity to bring their children, especially those studying in lower secondary level (Form 1-3) to the museum which is located at the Stadhuys building, Malacca.

In the Form 1 syllabus, students are required to learn about the rise and fall of Malacca. So, there's no better place to learn than the museum itself.

At the first floor of the museum, the history of Malacca began with the story of the arrival of Parameswara who founded Malacca. in the 15th century. You will also read about the relationship between Malacca and China, Hang Tuah and friends, the sultanate in Malacca, Portuguese, Dutch and British colonization, as well as Japanese occupation. There's also a special gallery for Admiral Zheng He to commemorate the ties between China and Malacca in the 15th century.

The entrance fee is RM5 for adults and RM3 for kids. If your child doesn't like Sejarah, it's time to plan a trip there.

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