Nov 19, 2008

Federermania hits Malaysia!

Tennis is Malaysia's new favourite sport.

For a country like Malaysia who prefers badminton and football, it's amazing to see fans queuing up for almost 4 hours just to catch a glimpse of Roger Federer and get his autograph.

When Esther and I arrived at the KLCC foyer, we met up with some fans from Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and also from Japan!

As a Rafatard, I must say that Roger is still a King here in Asia, and ASEAN to be specific.

I'm exhausted after covering the event for 2 days, I said to myself, I'm glad I'm just a tennis blogger, not a reporter or photographer.

I'm really happy to meet so many tennis enthusiasts from so many places.

Sorry for those whom I can't return call or couldn't meet up. I've tried to return as much calls as I can but at certain situation, I wasn't convenient to do that.

I hope you guys enjoy the event. Do write to me on how you felt.

Now I believe the WTA Tier II event could be a reality next year.

I'll come back to you guys soon on photos and videos of the activities took place yesterday: James Blake tennis clinic, Roger's meet-the-fans/autograph-signing session, Mirka, at the exhibition match and post match press conference.

I've just called Esther, who's at the Mandarin Oriental now. She said she managed to meet the players and take photos and autographs!

The players will be heading to the Subang airport at 10 a.m. on private jet to Macau for another exho.

(Images via Yahoo! Sport)

Nov 17, 2008

Showdown of Champions: Roger Federer, James Blake, Bjorn Borg and John McEnroe in Malaysia!

Tennis legends Bjorn Borg and John McEnroe together with Roger Federer and James Blake are already in Malaysia!

Thanks to the management and media team at LD Sports and Media 247, I had the opportunity to attend the press conference today at Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

I arrived early hoping to catch a glimpse of the players' arrival at the official hotel, Mandarin Oriental.

I missed the opportunity to witness Blake, McEnroe and Borg's arrival although I reached the hotel at about 10.30 a.m.

Roger and Mirka arrived almost at approximately 4 p.m. Mirka is so much prettier in person!

Together with my Sis, Nick and Jamie who are hardcore Roger fans, we had the opportunity to welcome them from afar (as we were brushed off by the huge and not-so-friendly bodyguards who are just doing their job :D).

Roger and Mirka were lead to their suite while Blake, Borg and McEnroe were nowhere to be seen. They must have been locking up themselves (or by the organizer) in the suites since morning.

I quickly registered myself for the press conference and Jamie was brave enough to ask for a permission to join the press conference as a representative from Roger Federer's Malaysia Fan Club :D.

Then I humbly joined the other photographers (with big huge DSLRs and video cameras) to go outdoor shooting at the bridge near the park overlooking the proudly erected Petronas Twin Towers.

According to Jamie back at the hotel, Roger managed to grab some bites before heading to the photoshoot location.

(Saeed Khan/AFP/Getty Images)

I gotta admit that I took bad photos as I can't fit in the players and the towers together into my sis's humble Sony digital camera. Not to mention that I had to 'wrestle' with the other professional photographers who know exactly what they are doing.

After that I was back to the hotel waiting for the press conference to start. My Sis, Jamie and Nick joined me in the conference room.

The press conference was moderated by Mahadzir Lokman, who will also be the MC for tomorrow's Showdown of Champions. (At the end of the press conference, Mahadzir asked the players to do the thumbs up gesture and he chuckled when they did!)

The players were really ecstatic about the exhibition match tomorrow. According to Bjorn Borg, who is 'missing' from the video, said he wished the exhibition match is tonight!

Roger Federer said he is recovering fast from his back injury and is really looking forward to team up with Borg for the first time.

John McEnroe is as usual, funny and yet serious-looking while Blake is simply a gorgeous guy (drooling!).

I managed to ask two questions, one for Blake and one for Roger (which the question was suggested by Rizal of LD Sports).

1. Blake, you'll be teaming up with Serena Williams at the Hopman Cup early next year. What do you think of the brother and sister team, Marat Safin and Dinara Safina?

2. You are a big fan of the FC Basel. What is your plan after retiring from tennis? I mean are you going to buy a football club or something?

:D tennis legends, Borg and McEnroe have retired long, long time ago and yet still involved with so many activities (be it tennis or non-tennis related) so I guess it was appropriate to ask Roger what he's looking forward when he decides to hang his tennis racquet.

The press conference ended at about 5.30 p.m.

Fans were already outside waiting for the players (Roger to be exact) to come out. The bodyguards were trying to do their job brushing away fans but Roger was so sweet to stop and take pictures with rogerfederer.commers! At this time I had the opportunity to get Blake to sign his autobiography and took a picture with him, thanks to my Sis.

(Saeed Khan/AFP/Getty Images)

(Saeed Khan/AFP/Getty Images)

I bet Roger fans who were there today will be having sweet dreams tonight (or maybe they can't sleep tonight). Glad you guys had the opportunity to meet and took photos with him. Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines fans united!

Stay tune for more.

(All photo credit should read HCFoo's Tennis Blog except those stated by Saeed Khan/AFP/Getty Images)

Roger Federer is ready for Showdown of Champions tomorrow night

Yesterday evening, I had an opportunity to attend a press conference call with Roger Federer from Shanghai organised by the guys at LD Sports.

Well, I tried to load my video but it seems that the connection in Bukit Jalil is painstakingly slow.

But thanks to Nazz for giving me a link to a video on TV3's Berita Utama.

In that press conference call, Federer talked about looking forward to play doubles with tennis legend Bjorn Borg, whom he never play together before.

He also assured fans that he's recovering fast from his back injury.

Federer, James Blake, Bjorn Borg and John McEnroe will be touching down Malaysia today. They'll be staying at the official hotel, Mandarin Oriental, next to KLCC.

So are you ready for Showdown of Champions? This is the second year Federer is here in Malaysia and I don't think you'll have a chance to see him here for the third time. Grab this opportunity to watch the players play.

If you are really a hardcore Roger Federer's fan, don't miss the opportunity to see him at the autograph-signing session at KLCC foyer at 11.45 a.m. on Tuesday, November 18, 2008.

The foyer is actually in between the two towers, near Dewan Filharmonik Petronas. Ask the information counter if you are not able to find the place. They should be able to help to direct you.


Nov 16, 2008

Ana Ivanovic gives back to kids; Serena Williams gives blogging lesson

One of the best thing I like about pro tennis players and tennis tournaments is they always give back to the kids.

UNICEF National Ambassador Ana Ivanovic recently visited a primary school in Baric, south-east of Belgrade, Serbia. The school is one of 15 that has joined the “School without Violence” programme donated by Ms Ivanovic herself.

“I am truly happy to give my own contribution to the efforts in solving the serious issue of violence and bullying in schools,” said Ana as she addressed the pupils.

“It is my pleasure to come to one of the schools that is involved in the programme and to hear from children and teachers that the programme is progressing and that a difference has been made.

“In school, like in sports, we need to continuously monitor and evaluate our performance in order to improve ourselves. Even when we are losing, we need to know how to make something good out of it... and how to become better.”
As for HP Ambassador Serena Williams, she was recently in Kenya on a three-day charity tour that involved conducting tennis clinic and opening up a secondary school named after her!

Williams, who was accompanied by the Minister for Education, Professor Sam Ongeri, and the area MP, Peter Kiilu, could not hide her joy for being involved in the project.

“I would like to contribute more to education projects in Africa, and I really want to thank the Hewlett Packard Company for choosing to partner with me in this noble project,” Williams told the ecstatic crowd.
The school was built in record one month, and is fully equipped with a computer laboratory and Internet facilities for the students.

Williams was seen here giving some blogging tips to the kids!

Great efforts from both players. Hopefully we'll see more charity works like this during this off tennis season.

(Via Ana Ivanovic's official site, Serena Williams' official website,; Images via Forty Deuce)

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