Jun 10, 2005

akademi fantasia 3

Although I'm not really a fan of the Malay music scene but I have to give credit to the show Akademi Fantasia (AF). I first watched the show last year when introduced by my Sis who's working in Astro. Now in its 3rd season, I often keep myself updated with the show by watching Diari Akademi Fantasia. Last year there were a lot of Mas (one of the pelajar AF2) fanatic fans. And this year, if you watch Astro @15 you can see Mawi fans dominated the chatroom.

I'm not sure who's my favourite yet but I believe all the 14 pelajar have a lot of things to improve to become better performers. One thing that makes AF so special compare to Malaysian Idol or Audition is AF have some of the best cikgu in the country to train them in singing, dancing and performing. To be honest, Malaysian Idol was lucky because they have Jaclyn Victor last year. Unless they have charismatic contestants with singing background, Malaysian Idol will not be able to compete with AF. Besides Aznil is more versatile, witty and original (although I hate the watch him potraying the sad face when announcing the name of pelajar who will be leaving at the end of concert AF) compare to the hosts and judges in Malaysian Idol who were just a bunch of imitators of the US version.

Tomorrow night will be the AF concert. Definitely Mawi and Felix will top the voting list. Hopefully Amylea will survive because she is indeed a good singer who's a serious pelajar in AF3.
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