Jun 9, 2005

Malaysian education system is not the worst

It is simply ridiculous when I read someone's blog saying that local universities websites are so Frontpage. Perhaps these people should do some homework before they make such judgment.

Our education system or universities are definitely not something that we are proud of. However, if anyone of you do read educational journals you will realize that our system is far from being the lousiest. Even countries like the United States and Great Britain are dissatisfy with their own systems.

Most of the time, the people who complain about the local education system do not experience the system themselves or they failed. They complained about the double standard treatment against non-bumi, disagree with the usage of Malay language, make remark that local uni graduates are usually jobless, etc. I would say that if you work and and strive for what you believe, entering the best local uni and offered the best course is not even a problem. Most local graduates (who are non-Malays) are well-versed in English and Malay (and even Mandarin) and they were offered some of the best jobs. From what I've observed through interviews, local graduates (mostly Chinese candidates) are the most hardworking, ethical and fast learners.
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