Nov 10, 2005

raya movies: tentang dia (thumbs up), gol & gincu (thumbs down)

This Raya holiday was the perfect time for me to catch up with some of the local movies (and Indonesian as well) on tv. I'm glad I was able to watch Sepet (again after attending the screening & conversation with the director, Yasmin Ahmad in UM), Tentang Dia and Gol & Gincu.

No doubt Sepet is a great movie (no need further mention). So does Tentang Dia. I wanted to watch this Indonesian movie but couldn't find any friend who is interested when it was in the local cinema. I particularly love the songs and the storyline. Not to mention the creative and emotionally-driven scenes. I especially like the scene when Rudi was on the other side of the busy street trying to tell Gadis that she loves her as a sister. There was also countless raining scenes which added to the emotion of the movie. And I love the rooftop scene as well, the place where Rudi and Gadis always meet up and share their thoughts and feelings. However, I find the poetry written by Rudi was a bit lame though.

Then there was this latest movie, Gol & Gincu, by the same producer who brings us the successful 3R infotainment show. Gol & Gincu is not so successful though. It was badly-scripted (the attempt to tackle the various social issues is definitely not working), mediocre performance by the actors (except Sharifah Amani and J's mother) and for one very obvious reason, it was very local MTV-styled (if I'm not wrong, the director Bernard Chauly is the one who directed one of Siti Nurhaliza's mtv Debaran Cinta). On the positive side, I love the diversity in this movie. So, I'm looking forward for more movies from the producer.

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