Apr 18, 2006

my simple weight-losing plan

Week 1
Yes, I was influenced by the reality show "The Biggest Losser", currently shown on 8tv every Saturday night.

My strategy will not be that extreme (the guys in TBL worked out 24/7!). Check out my simple 5 steps plan:

1. Jog/walk for 30 minutes in the morning and repeat in the evening.
2. Do at least 50 sit ups per day.
3. Eat salad for my lunch and dinner.
4. Drink lotsa milk, fresh juice and water instead of carbonated drinks and my favourite Milo.
5. Sleep at least 6 hours a day.

My weight on Monday (starting this week) was 85 kg (by the way, I'm 5'7"). So the next time I'm going to weigh myself is next Monday. Hopefully I can shed a few kilos by then.
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