Aug 12, 2006

@ MasKargo

For my good friend, SY who is in the logistics business for six years, it was a chance of a lifetime for her to be at the MasKargo and watch the loading of her shipment real time. Because it was quite early for a lady, she invited me to join her and her colleague. We were there at 4 a.m.!

As I had been working in a similar business before and had arranged many airfreight shipments, I thought it was a good opportunity to go and take a look.

The security was tight and after given the approval by the guys at the Korean Air, I was allowed to go in with my friend SY and her colleague. We took some pictures while waiting for unloading. By 5 a.m. it was time to load our machine onto the plane.

It was a great experience to watch the whole process. The last time when I was at MasKargo, I didn't had the opportunity to go in and was only at the loading bay.

We had our breakfast at Puchong before heading back to PJ. My poor friend still need to go to work while I take a nap before having classes later on in the afternoon.
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