Feb 11, 2007

3 months programme @ the International Buddhist Academy

I always have this dream to be away from the city life for a couple of months or so and fly all the way to Tibet, India or Nepal to learn Buddhist philosophy and learn Tibetan language. However, I'm still very much attached to my current life here i.e. completing my masters. While waiting for my chance in the year 2008, perhaps I should share with you this place called the International Buddhist Academy (IBA) in Kathmandu.

Perhaps you might say, hmm...another post about Buddhism from HCFoo. Well, I rarely talk or share with my friends about Buddhism until recently. Perhaps it has to do with what's happening around the world lately. For your information, when I'm blogging about Buddhism, I prefer to use the term "philosophy" instead of "religion" because I believe in sharing Buddhism related topics in a very general way that can be accepted by everyone as information and knowledge.

Back to the IBA, the academy was founded by Ven. Khenpo Appey Rinpoche (who came to Malaysia many years ago), and was inaugurated officially in 2001. In addition to providing teachings on the Buddha Dharma, the Academy also has various on-going projects, including the computerization of Tibetan scriptures, translation projects and publication.

Daily Schedule
The 2007 programme will run from June 4th to September 15th. Lessons are being conducted 6 days a week from Tuesday to Sunday. The courses are rigorous and intensive, requiring students to submit assignments, write a final exam, as well as readings of recommended books and articles to prepare for the classes. Mondays are generally left for students to explore the Kathmandu Valley, visit lamas, extend their visas and mingle with the local Tibetan community of Boudhanath. IBA will also organize guided tours of major cultural sites of the Valley.

The regular daily schedule are as follows:
07:00AM Breakfast 08:00AM Philosophy Class 09:30AM Tea break 10:00AM Tibetan language class 11:30AM Lunch Break 02:00PM Revision class 03:30PM Tea break 06:30PM Dinner

During the last week of the term, a final examination will be held to assess the student's understanding of the course material.

For more information about the teachers qualifications, the complete 2007 programme, fee structure (very reasonable), academy facilities, travel information, registration, contact information, etc go to the IBA website. There are also interesting videos about the students and the programme for streaming.
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