Jun 12, 2007

Shrek 3: JT can't act and the most hilarious moment in the show

*spoiler ahead*

Justin Timberlake proves himself again that he just can't act. Not even in an animated movie. And I just can't stand his squeaky like a mouse voice.

I watched Shrek 3 last night. No doubt I'm a big fan of the show, never missed a single one. But honestly this is the worst sequal of all. It's not as funny as the first and the second. Mike Myers and Cameron Diaz characters didn't shine this time because the focus is on characters like the evil Prince Charming and the new King Arthur.

There are some hilarious moments though and I especially like the part where King Harold the frog is dying.

This movie is still worth watching and especially for those who had followed since the first movie. At least I didn't sleep in the cinema this time.

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