Sep 19, 2007

Not lost in translation

Recently, I've started doing some freelance translation job and I find the job rather refreshing. Something different from my usual educational book writing job.

I've completed a mini project to translate an English manual book of a DVD Player to Malay. Although technical translation is not something that I'm familiar of, I've gained so much experience from translating Mathematics and Science books in the last few years. Researching skill is something that I've mastered throughout the years from my job as well as the experience I've gained through net-surfing.

Besides the huge online database I subscribe to as a master student in UM, I find the Dewan Bahasa and Pustaka website rather helpful in assisting me in my job. I must give credit to DBP for their online dictionary and scientific terms. However, the website isn't very smooth and sometimes I find it hard to connect to the website.

I hope to get more freelance technical translation project in the near future as it is better paid than writing educational books. If you are looking for translation service (English to Malay at this moment) for your documents or manual books, send an email to me to ask for quotation
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