Showing posts with label blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogs. Show all posts

Jan 14, 2008

Get down to basic in blogging like Doogie Howser MD

Is blogging has reached its climax and coming to an end already?

AhPek thinks blogging is not going anywhere except circle around Malaysia while Wuching finds blogging isn't fun anymore.

I guess the main factor that kills our interest in blogging is paid post. It deviates our main intention in blogging (before people starts blogging for money) from being personal and informative to money making. And not to mention that it kills our page ranks overnight.

Perhaps we should go back to the basic. Just like the show Doogie Howser MD, Neil Patrick Harris who ended the show by
using his computer to write weekly journal entries. And it's always about his own feelings and experiences. That's the part where all of us viewers back then looking forward to.

Now, I'm thinking, blogging on weekly basis might be a good idea.

Oct 17, 2007

Popular words used as blog titles

When I changed my blog title from 'hcfoo's blog' to 'Rambling thoughts of a 30 something' recently, my intention was simple. I don't want to sound too narcissistic by mentioning my name all the time. A lot of bloggers like to use the word 'ramblings', 'rants', 'thoughts', 'diary', etc as their titles.

So I'm pretty curious of what are the popular words used as blog titles. So, this blogger, Elliot C. Back actually did a research and came up with top 100 words most widely used as blog titles.

1. blog
2. life
3. weblog
4. world
5. from
6. journal
7. news
8. thoughts
9. with
10. daily
11. girl
12. mind
13. what
14. this
15. diary
16. musings
17. online
18. about
19. just
20. ramblings
21. random
22. your
23. adult
24. love
25. content
26. little
27. that
28. home
29. blue
30. time
31. marketing
32. blogs
33. right
34. digital
35. things
36. city
37. rants
38. internet
39. like
40. free
41. journey
42. words
43. business
44. more
45. notes
46. place
47. real
48. house
49. american
50. view
51. stuff
52. music
53. black
54. chronicles
55. tales
56. times
57. diario
58. dreams
59. another
60. adventures
61. inside
62. corner
63. other
64. photoblog
65. confessions
66. book
67. living
68. soul
69. head
70. heart
71. search
72. truth
73. live
74. reality
75. good
76. brain
77. here
78. vida
79. geek
80. through
81. eyes
82. thought
83. blogging
84. politics
85. personal
86. page
87. site
88. days
89. dream
90. john
91. thinking
92. have
93. left
94. road
95. something
96. lost
97. project
98. into
99. media
100. where
101. design
102. conservative
103. star
104. mundo

So, is your blog title using some of the words listed here?

Sep 18, 2007

5 Favourite Posts From the Past

Finally I'm going to do a tagged post by FL Sam.

Here are the rules for this meme:
1. Post 5 links to 5 of your previously written posts. The posts have to relate to the 5 key words given below.
2. Tag 5 other friends to do this meme. Try to tag at least 2 new acquaintances (if not, your current blog buddies will do) so that you get to know them each a little bit better.
3. Don't forget to read the archived post and leave comments.

Such simple rules to follow right? So here are my 5 links:

Link 1 must be about FAMILY

Chinese New Year 2007

Link 2 must be about FRIENDS
An Eventful Weekend

Link 3 must be about YOURSELF, who you are, what you’re all about
The Face Behind The Blog - HCFoo

Link 4 must be about something YOU LOVE
Tennis vs. Football

Link 5 can be ANYTHING you choose
Words of Wisdom by Dzongzar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche

Since this is a good way to reconnect back with one's old posts, I'll tag the following bloggers:
1. Vhanded
2. Princess Shin
3. Tracy
4. Sharlydia
5. Jobby

Aug 30, 2007

Nice Matters Award from FL Sam

I've got a surprise award from FL Sam recently and haven't got a chance to thank him until today.

In Sam's blog, the originator of the Nice Matters Award is intended for "those that are just nice people, good blog friends, and those that inspire good feelings and inspiration!. Those that care about others, that are there to lend support, or those that are just a positive influence in our blogging world.

Well, Sam, really thank you for the award. I really appreciate it and it's my honour to have a great blogging friend like you.

I would like to present this friendship award to the following bloggers (in alphabetical order) who have helped me in one way or another. And some of them were so nice for dropping by even while I was away for long. Thank you guys and girls for being so nice to me!

1. Che-Cheh
2. Anthraxxxx
3. FL Sam
4. KaiYan a.k.a. The Observer
5. Offline Geek
6. PapaJoneh
7. Princess Shin
8. VHanded
9. Zewt

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