Oct 22, 2008

Andy Murray celebrates Madrid success with an ice bath

After a successful run at the Madrid Masters, Andy Murray made a short trip back to UK before heading off to another tournament at St Petersburg.

There was no glamourous celebration awaited him unless you think an ice bath is one.

Murray warned that the ice bath is not for the faint of heart.

He said with Neoprene boots or not, nothing quite prepares you for the moment when you have to put your body - up to your waist - into the water. Brrrrrrr..........

Here are some tips from Murray:

There's a few clearly identifiable phases in the ice bath. Somewhere after getting in (phase 1) and screaming things like "will someone please say something funny to take my mind off this (phase 2), comes phase 3, which can be best described as trying to look like it's not really a big deal.

So what do you get from an ice bath? Murray explained:

The science of it all is that the cold forces the blood vessels to constrict, draining away the blood. Likewise, when they get out, their legs fill up with 'fresh' blood, helping to invigorate the muscles.

The next thing you know, Murray's ready for his next tournament and is now at St Petersburg.


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