Oct 24, 2008

Jelena Jankovic starring in TV commercial for Knjaz Miloš’s Aqua Viva Hydroactive

In the recent updates on her website, Jelena Jankovic said she was back in Belgrade shooting a TV commercial for Knjaz Miloš’s Aqua Viva Hydroactive brand which she presents as a promo face since May this year.

The director of the TV commercial, Aco Boskovic, is fascinated with her positive energy and professional approach.

In this commercial Jelena of course plays against herself and wins thanks to the mental and physical power that she gets from Aqua Viva Hydroactive.

Jelena Jankovic's face is on the bottle and it has already sold in one million samples in just two month since launching on Serbian market!

Here are the photos taken on set.

In addition here are a couple of still pictures taken from Tennis Forum. Jankovic was doing a promo at a shopping mall for the Aqua Viva water.

"JJ Aqua Viva water" huge ads on building in Belgrade.

(Via tennisforums, Jelena Jankovic official website, Great Tennis Photos)

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