Showing posts with label britney spears. Show all posts
Showing posts with label britney spears. Show all posts

Jan 8, 2008

The media will kill Britney Spears

Personally, I love Britney. Or to be specific the old Britney when she first rises to stardom.

She couldn't handle her personal life well, what more her public life which is widely exploited by the media. Even Dr. Phil wants to get a piece of her stuck up life (although I'm glad he cancels Britney show).

She's divorced, lost her children's custody, get caught many times during her lowest points, has been accused for having mental problem and was recently hospitalized after appeared to be under the influence of an unknown substance.

Honestly speaking, history always repeat itself and certainly we do not want to hear the same thing happen to Britney as it happened to some of the dead celebrities like Anna Nicole Smith and Elvis Presley. Perhaps Britney should seek opinion from people like Mariah Carey on how to overcome emotional breakdown and come back stronger than ever.

Apr 22, 2007

Britney Spears teams up with Sanjaya for a duet?

This morning, my online friend for 7 years, KMei sent me a sms saying that Britney Spears who is a big fan of Sanjaya, the famous American Idol reject, is interested to record a duet with him.

I'm not sure how true it is. I mean perhaps Britney Spears is trying to create a 'positive' publicity for herself.

It's definitely going to be interesting to see them performing on stage. After all, we haven't seen Britney's performance for a long time. And I don't think Sanjaya is going have any career move in the music industry since he's not that talented nor he is as bad as William Hung to secure a record deal. So a duet with Britney is definitely going to help him in the entertainment business.

But seriously, if the duet is real, I think Britney's music career is going to be a disaster.

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