Apr 22, 2007

Britney Spears teams up with Sanjaya for a duet?

This morning, my online friend for 7 years, KMei sent me a sms saying that Britney Spears who is a big fan of Sanjaya, the famous American Idol reject, is interested to record a duet with him.

I'm not sure how true it is. I mean perhaps Britney Spears is trying to create a 'positive' publicity for herself.

It's definitely going to be interesting to see them performing on stage. After all, we haven't seen Britney's performance for a long time. And I don't think Sanjaya is going have any career move in the music industry since he's not that talented nor he is as bad as William Hung to secure a record deal. So a duet with Britney is definitely going to help him in the entertainment business.

But seriously, if the duet is real, I think Britney's music career is going to be a disaster.

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