Jun 17, 2005

working 5 days

Thanks to CUEPACS and now it's a dream come true for the civil servants to work 5 days a week starting July 1. I'm not really against the civil servants (no I don't envy them) just because most of us including myself work like a dog in the private sectors. I'm viewing this in a perspective of a taxpayer.

Each year CUEPACS just can't stop asking for more. Bonuses, increments, better benefits, shorter working hours/day, etc. Everyday we have to deal with the people of the servicing department and yet, they never increase the standard of the services. We talk about our teenagers having to go through the National Service to build their characters. And I suggest the government department have all the civil servants to go for a boot camp to build their character as well.

Instead of working selamba (as if there are no long queues waiting for them), going for breakfast and tea break and no teamwork (if an officer is away for a break or watever reason, don't expect her colleague will take over and attend you), civil servants should show more enthusiasm and responsibilities in their job. I don't mean to sound racist (I'm not one) but I've even seen the non-Malays are not proactive and just mind their own business just to fit in to the group (Rule #1 for non-Malay working with the government: Don't pandai-pandai want to show off that you are hardworking).

Whatever it is, the 5 days work is going to be a reality. I just hope our beloved PM will emphasize more on the productivity and upgrade the standard of the servicing departments within the government. By increasing the working hours from 8 hours to 8 1/2 hours definitely will not increase productivity. Again, I really hope CUEPACS will not fight for 4 working days (so that the civil servants can off on Friday) in the future because that will definitely decrease the productivity of the country.

goddess jolie

Finally I went to watch Mr and Mrs Smith last night. I have to admit that I'm a big fan of Angelina Jolie (and I used to like Brad Pitt a lot when he was first featured in the movie Thelma and Louise many many years ago).

Mr and Mrs Smith was indeed a movie with a simple story line that intend to sell the two sexy hot stars. However, the real star in this movie is Jolie. She simply outshine Pitt himself. She again proves herself as one of the Hollywood A-list action star. Mr and Mrs Smith is indeed a Jolie movie.

However, I still miss the old Jolie. Remember her movies such as Foxfire, Hackers and Gia whereby her characters are much deeper (and often androgynous which is simply nice to watch). Nowadays her films are too commercialise. I wish to see her in dramatic movies that will show more of her acting skills (which she has) and of course earn her an Oscar.

Mr and Mrs Smith is not really my cup of tea although the movie done fairly well. The night before I was at the AEI, UM to watch a rather moving movie called Central Station. It was a 1998 Brazilian movie by the director Water Salles. The best things about watching this movie was I don't have to pay a cent and don't even have to line up to get a ticket (there's even refreshment provided). Central Station was an award winning movie that express the triumph of the human spirit.

The story is about Dora, a single and lonely elderly woman who earns her living by writing letters for illiterate customers at the Rio de Janeiro's Central Station. Things however begin to change when she reluctantly befriend a homeless orphan, Josue. She agrees to help Josue search for the father that he never known. The journey becomes a quest for their own identities, a boy who search for his father and a woman who search for her heart. Indeed a movie with a big heart!

Think I will spend every Wednesday watching movie at AEI rather than trying hard to get tickets at TGV (and M-Cinema doesn't even work at all).

Jun 16, 2005

counting down to wimbledon 2005

After recovering from the clay courts stretch and the less exciting warm up matches on grass courts, we are just 5 days away from the Grand Slam in Wimbledon.

Again we have Roger Federer and Andy Roddick as the top two seeds. French Open champ, Rafael Nadal, is seeded forth. Although he was knocked out in the first round at Halle right after his winning in Roland Garros, I believe he will fast regaining his momentum for the upcoming Grand Slam and perform even better than last year (he crashed out in the third round).

However, my main focus in Wimbledon is definitely Maria Sharapova. Nothing is sweeter than to see her retaining her championship here. She proves that she is the princess of grass court recently by winning the Birmingham title. Her toughest competition in Wimbledon is none other than Justine Henin-Hardenne. Somehow I just feel that Justine is on the verge to regain her top ranking although I wanted badly Sharapova to hit the #1.

My bet for the men and women singles this year got to be Federer and Justine (although my ideal champs are Rafa and Sharapova).

Jun 10, 2005

akademi fantasia 3

Although I'm not really a fan of the Malay music scene but I have to give credit to the show Akademi Fantasia (AF). I first watched the show last year when introduced by my Sis who's working in Astro. Now in its 3rd season, I often keep myself updated with the show by watching Diari Akademi Fantasia. Last year there were a lot of Mas (one of the pelajar AF2) fanatic fans. And this year, if you watch Astro @15 you can see Mawi fans dominated the chatroom.

I'm not sure who's my favourite yet but I believe all the 14 pelajar have a lot of things to improve to become better performers. One thing that makes AF so special compare to Malaysian Idol or Audition is AF have some of the best cikgu in the country to train them in singing, dancing and performing. To be honest, Malaysian Idol was lucky because they have Jaclyn Victor last year. Unless they have charismatic contestants with singing background, Malaysian Idol will not be able to compete with AF. Besides Aznil is more versatile, witty and original (although I hate the watch him potraying the sad face when announcing the name of pelajar who will be leaving at the end of concert AF) compare to the hosts and judges in Malaysian Idol who were just a bunch of imitators of the US version.

Tomorrow night will be the AF concert. Definitely Mawi and Felix will top the voting list. Hopefully Amylea will survive because she is indeed a good singer who's a serious pelajar in AF3.
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