Apr 17, 2007

nokia N95 wireless adventure

Probably you have heard of Nokia N95 Wireless Adventure on TV recently. It's like a treasure hunt ala the Amazing Race with a twist.

Through the Nokia N95, your team which comprise of you, your team mate, a local celebrity and a media dude will work through a given list of 8 clues over the course of 2 days! The clues will lead you to different locations with specific tasks to carry out.

During the course of carrying out the tasks, you will navigate the city (using Nokia N95) and capture specific urban elements that make it unique. Interesting, right?

In the end you will unearth the Soul of the City (which I do not know what it is) as well as to unveil the grad prize which is a jeng jeng jeng... all paid expenses to Europe and Nokia N95!

I think there will be interviews for selected participants.
I've already submitted my application last night. Just try my luck lar. Anyone interested to join too? Let me know. Maybe we can form an alliance later if we get selected.

Apr 16, 2007

how to bind your own soft cover book

I'm not sure if you are going to agree with me. Many bloggers (whether local or international) are writer wannabes. I mean they want to be a writer in a conventional way. Not just publishing their writing in the blogosphere but also getting their manuscripts published.

Hence, self publishing business is booming outside of Malaysia. Inside of Malaysia, this concept is nothing new to us but somehow the industry here is way slower.

Try asking for the printing cost from local printers who provide Print On Demand (POD), you are expected to pay about RM15-25 per book (let's say a 120 pages, B&W, A4 size specification). And you have not paid for illustration, typesetting, editing, proofreading, etc yet. So in the end, how much profit are you going to make from your book? Most importantly who's going to buy your book if the retail price of your book is so high?

Am I discouraging you from self publish your book? Not really. What I'm trying to suggest to you is why not print the book and bind it yourself to save cost? If your intention is to publish the books and sell it to your friends and family and a small number of customers, then I suggest you to engage with a reliable photostat shop who does B&W and colour printing and you do the binding yourself.

The cost for professional binding is not cheap. I've once asked a photostat shop and it costs RM5 per book for perfect binding.

I came across a great youtube video on book binding. It's quite easy and straight forward and absolutely suitable for soft cover book. If you have a manuscript, why not get the typesetting done yourself, then print it out and bind it yourself over the weekend. If you are a handy person, you might have a neat result.

The copy of the book is definitely suitable to be submitted to publishers along with your book proposal. Who knows you might get a deal soon.

Apr 15, 2007

in the dark

So I'm in the dark right right now.

There's no electricity in SS2 and my friend staying in Damansara Jaya is facing the same problem too. But luckily it's not a national crisis.

I tried to call Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) 15454 to report the matter but it seems that I'm not able to get through even after many tries.

I thought this is the common thing that happen during the 80s but it seems that even in the 21st century we often having this kind of problem. I had couple of similar experience last year.

So what TNB has to say about it?

Updates: I didn't charge my battery earlier so I couldn't online. So basically I'm doing nothing but trying to get a nap and fed the mosquitoes at the same time.

I had been calling TNB's Customer Care Line only to find myself in the 30th and 40th caller in queues. Thank god the electricity is back at 1 a.m.

Apr 14, 2007

more tagged post: celebrities I want to meet

When Anthraxxxx tagged me with this meme, I felt a lil' bit intimidated because his post was really good!

This fantasy meme actually goes like this:
“You are in an alternate universe. You are a single person not involved in any relationship, and you have just published a New York Times bestseller. A movie studio has invited you to Hollywood to talk about a movie deal for three days, and as part of the wooing process, they offer to host a one-on-one dinner each night with the celebrity of your choice. Who would you pick? It could be a star you want to have a shot at ‘hooking up’ with, or it could just be someone you admire.”

Come on, if I'm a best selling author, I'll definitely ask for Oprah Winfrey! We are talking about the most powerful woman in the world who can make me even more famous and rich. You know she loves books. I'll ask her to consider to put me on the Oprah show because I'm going to be the next big thing! Remember I'm going to have a movie career soon....

On the next dinner, I really want to meet up with Angelina Jolie. I'm going to tell her I've just met up with Oprah and she's a nice lady. I'll ask Angie to forgive Oprah for being so bias and stood by Jennifer Aniston without listen to Angie's side of story. I'm going to persuade Angie to accept Oprah's invitation to be on the Oprah show. Of course I'll remember to ask about how Pax Thien adapt to his new life and if Maddox is doing well in school.

The third dinner is going to be a very important one. I have a best selling book and a movie career soon. And it's not going to be complete without a music career. So I want to meet up with Timbaland to see if he's interested to collaborate with me in my next attempt to launch a career in the music business. If he doesn't agree, then I'll have no choice but to look for Scott Storch, his rival instead.

Actually I'm not really keen in meeting up with celebrities. I just want to meet up with 'Chow Kung' because I'm really sleepy now. Good nite!

Updates: Ok lah, I've decided to tag Vhanded. I'm curious to know what he would say or do when meeting his hero, Bill Gates.

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