Jan 10, 2008

Meme: Chinese New Year's tradition

I've got this meme from Dora which is right at this time before Chinese New Year.

What are some of your new year’s good luck traditions?

Rules :Copy the person and persons’ names that sent it to you and add your own at the bottom of the list.

*My mom used to collect some coins and when the new year comes she put the coins in a bowl and shake it to create sounds. She said its good luck for money throughout the year. And also wearing dotted dresses on new year don’t know why. CC/chalyza/keep

*My old folks always told us to avoid spending money on new years day. They said, once you spend on the first day of the year, you like to spend the rest of the year.Behind d Scenes of ME/ Retchel’s Pure Life/ /A little bit of me

*I grew up believing that if you have some money on your pocket (whatever you’re wearing) come New Year’s eve it will ensure steady flow of income throughout the year. The other belief is that the main door of the house should be wide open come New Year’s eve so that good luck will be ushered in. Juliana of MY WORLD and JULIANA’S LAIR.

*I don't have any traditionals during New Year. Juliana RW

*I have keep a RM50 note which the serial number is begin with number 8 and end up with number 8 also, between the number, it’s not encourage to have number 4 and number 0. By doing this we will have steady income throughout the whole life. It’s not easy to find such note. Another ways is to keep your “Ang Pao” in your pocket or put it inside your pillow on the New Year eve before you sleep. Hazel

*I must make sure our house is clean & tidy on CNY Eve because the God of Prosperity will only "visit" a house which is comfortable to stay with! And I must not sweep or mop the house on First Day of CNY or else the wealth may be ruined. Dora

I've written a similar topic before in this post and I'm going to paste one of the tradition here:
Must have leftovers from reunion dinner on Chinese New Year eve.

Jan 9, 2008

Eminem exceeds 200 lbs and rushed to hospital due to heart problem

Everyone is so concern about weight and yet the majority of us never determine enough when it comes to losing weight. And that includes me.

I always give the same excuses, that I don't have the time to cook and when it comes to eat outside, I can't get any healthy food. And going for an evening jog is almost impossible as I usually work late. The excuses can go on and on.

Many people are finding it hard to make that decision to take action to lose weight. Even celebrity like Eminem knows he is getting fat back in the year 2006. The rapper hasn't been serious about hitting the gym.

And today, he is in the news for having complications from pneumonia. It is said that his weight has exceeded 200 lbs and having serious heart condition and severe pneumonia.

He has been released from the hospital now and resting at home.

(btw, this is a photochopped picture of Eminem that I came about in the internet)

Jan 8, 2008

The media will kill Britney Spears

Personally, I love Britney. Or to be specific the old Britney when she first rises to stardom.

She couldn't handle her personal life well, what more her public life which is widely exploited by the media. Even Dr. Phil wants to get a piece of her stuck up life (although I'm glad he cancels Britney show).

She's divorced, lost her children's custody, get caught many times during her lowest points, has been accused for having mental problem and was recently hospitalized after appeared to be under the influence of an unknown substance.

Honestly speaking, history always repeat itself and certainly we do not want to hear the same thing happen to Britney as it happened to some of the dead celebrities like Anna Nicole Smith and Elvis Presley. Perhaps Britney should seek opinion from people like Mariah Carey on how to overcome emotional breakdown and come back stronger than ever.

Jan 5, 2008

Tactic used by publishers to get their workbooks into schools

At first glance you might thought this is an exercise book used by students in schools.

However, if you look closely, this is a Mathematics workbook. Yes, this is the latest gimmick used by local educational publishers to get their books into schools. Well, I don't think it's bad at all. In fact, this is a rather smart and creative idea. This trend which is started by a publisher has been followed by others, even big players in the market.

I supposed this trend started after the Ministry of Education announced workbook ban in the primary level particularly Year 1 to Year 3 and the limited use of one workbook per subject for Year 4 to 6.

The main objective of the workbook ban is to make lighter schoolbags for pupils. Well, these new form of 'exercise books' are way lighter than the previous thick workbooks. And how about the pricing? Would you pay RM3 or RM3.50 for it?

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